Village Computer and Internet Program
Grameen Communications has been started with the aim to co-operation with the challenge of new century and expand the use of new technology to mass level. To use and expand the computer technology in the grass root level Grameen Communications has under takenVillage Computer and Internet Program (VCIP). The Program is operating at Madhupur in Tangail district, which is around 160km away from Dhaka.
Who we are
The ability to choose the right idea and option can change the world around us in our own way. The idea of providing computer and Internet facility to Bangladesh’s rural population is one such idea that has the potential to transform the lives of millions of rural people in this impoverished country.
About the village
The center is keeping data on agriculture, fisheries, livestock, health, education, environment etc into a village database.
How this help
VCIP is providing important benefits to rural society in Bangladesh. It is providing IT facilities to the villagers, creating jobs in rural areas